Westminster Education Forum policy Conference
We are delighted and honoured that our Head of our Children and Young People’s Service, Nada Calovska, has been invited to speak at the Westminster Education Forum policy conference about next steps for child mental health in England and improving young people’s wellbeing on July 12th.
The discussions taking place are centred around:
- Priorities for improving child mental health provision and funding
- Improving mental health provision for young people (cross-sector collaboration)
- Meeting increased demand for services
- Improving access to holistic care
- Support for families and the workforce
- Quality and standards in children’s mental health services, and learning from best practice
- The impact of the pandemic on children’s mental health
- The online environment, and remote consultation shortages
- Links between physical and mental health
- Support for vulnerable children
- Reducing stigma
- Mental health support in schools – identifying children most in need
- Addressing assessment anxiety
- Boosting catch-up programmes for vulnerable children
- Providing support for the workforce
If this sounds like something you’d be interested in joing, find out more and book your place here!
Posted on: 24th June 2022